

Poemas y Relatos Reales o imaginados para deleite de todos

Hi there, my name is Emilio Zaldana Godoy. I'm a poetry writer and then I would like to have my humble opinion about community and climate change. In the past three decades, climate change and human actions have caused innumerable detrimental effects on our planet and communities. It is our responsibility to do everything we can to improve the quality of life for everyone in the world. In the past three decades, climate change and human actions have caused innumerable detrimental effects on our planet and communities. It is our responsibility to take every possible measure to enhance the quality of life for all individuals across the globe.
But, if we want not to continue this situation, must we need to change the communication style in the communities perform and have the correct information. How can our communities be safe from many issues, human disasters are provocateurs. The first priority is to educate the family. 
The second priority is to keep the community clean. Also, a reasonable measure for the situation of the homeless is whether the government adopts the appropriate funding. Treat people who have nowhere to live. 
1. Simplify the language and sentence structure to make the writing more accessible and easier to understand for a broader audience. This can be done by using shorter sentences, avoiding complex vocabulary, and breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable pieces.
2. Provide specific examples and evidence to support the claims made in the writing. This will help to make the argument more persuasive and convincing to the reader.
3. Clarify the main message of the writing by focusing on the most important points and removing any unnecessary or redundant information. This can be done by reorganizing the content of the writing to create a clear and logical flow of ideas to discuss community and climate change. ok
It's beneficial for both the community and the government. 
5:28 AM = 7/30/2023

Vistas: 6


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